Dental Bonding
Bonding is the application of a tooth-colored composite resin (plastic) to repair a decayed, chipped, fractured, discolored tooth to make teeth appear longer, and as a cosmetic alternative to Silver Fillings.
Unlike veneers, which are manufactured in a laboratory and require a customized mold to achieve a proper fit, bonding can be done in a single visit. The procedure is called bonding because the material bonds to the tooth. This is less expensive and gives great results.
At DENTZANIA we strive for giving you the best natural look and feel after bonding.
Unlike veneers, which are manufactured in a laboratory and require a customized mold to achieve a proper fit, bonding can be done in a single visit. The procedure is called bonding because the material bonds to the tooth. This is less expensive and gives great results.
At DENTZANIA we strive for giving you the best natural look and feel after bonding.